What better way to share what's new in my world? Blogging is a great way to exhibition my new art pieces and share what I am up to in the world of self-taught artistry. I am always painting and learning to expand my skills and I would love to share it with the world!

I am a Student for Life
I began my journey with art less than a decade ago. I had no idea what I was doing but that didn't deter me. I was obsessed. Once I was bitten by the painting bug I was hooked for life. I had to know more about this amazing craft and all it had to offer. I am still obsessed. It hasn't changed. And I want to share my journey with you.
If I can - so can you!
I truly believe that we are capable of incredible things. If we put our mind to the task, and do the work, then we will reap the rewards.
I approached paint as a total novice. I had absolutely no clue how to paint or what supplies to use! So I began by buying the cheapest supplies possible. I ravaged the Dollar Store for whatever I could find that was remotely related to painting and started throwing paint. I burned through many canvases covered in muddy splatters and embarrassing portraits.
I tried it all! Abstract, portraiture, landscape, textured; whatever popped into my head to try I would try. I didn't let my novice approach, and sometimes laughable execution, stop me. The burning desire was stronger than my self-doubt. So I have kept at it for years and I don't regret a minute of it.
Keep going...
So if you are a person that wants to try - but you are scared to try - there is nothing to lose. If you feel the yearning to push paint around, then it is in you already. All it really takes is the will to do the work and it will come! We all have a unique voice and it's time you discover yours!
I will be posting videos and galleries of my learning process and progress so that you may acquire the little bit of knowledge that I have gained so far. Take what works for you and discard the rest. Art is very personal and there is no way to do it wrong ( I don't care what anyone says). Art is the expression of a vision, and that vision can be literally anything. So go get ’em tiger!!