I love painting babies! How can anyone have a bad day looking at a beautiful and innocent baby face! It was a pleasure to bring those rosy cheeks to life. Brielle's eyes sparkle as she smiles for the camera, her little pink toque fitting snuggly on her head; she looks happy and serene. My favorite part is the tiny droplet of baby drool on her chin. š
The most challenging thing about painting babies for me is their skin. It's so flawless and soft, and the colors can vary so much in delicate transitions. The roundness of her face shows a light reflected light from her jacket and the diffused light of the overcast sky.
This is the first of three paintings commissioned by the same client. Big love for her family and her grandchildren! Now they get to inherit Oil Paintings when they are adults that they can pass down to their children. Oil paintings can last for generations when treated with care. ā¤
Here are some close-ups:
I will post the next painting of Brielle soon!